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FEATI Celebrates University Day by Recognizing Outstanding Students, Student Athletes and Special Awardees

August 8, 2014, two days before the actual celebration of University Day (August 10 fell on a Sunday) 70 students got to bask in the glow of their victories by making it to the elite coterie of scholars for AY 2014-2015. However, it wasn’t only the students that were given the spotlight that day. The FEATI Seahawks volleyball and basketball teams and their coaches were equal in recognition for winning against all odds in the name of University honor.

In the presence of CEO and Vice-Chairman of the Board Mr. Francisco A. Segovia; University President Dr.-Ing. Adolfo Jesus R. Gopez; EVP for Academic Affairs Dr. Leopoldo V. Abis; EVP-COO Dr. Gloria M. Alberto; and National President of the Geodetic Engineers of the Philippines, BSGE Batch 1992 and Guest Speaker Engr. Godofredo P. Artieda, the scholars, athletes, and coaches were accorded their much-deserved honors for their academic achievement and athletic contribution to FEATIU. Geodetic Engineering Department Head Engr. Enrique A. Macaspac had the pleasant task of introducing his colleague and fellow GE alumnus to the FEATI community.

Organized by the Student Affairs department, the event began with a Mass of Thanksgiving by the University Chaplain and was followed by the entrance of colors by the 275th NROTC Cadets and the Philippine National Anthem from the FEATI University Chorale.

Rocky Fajardo, Master of Ceremony made sure the program flowed smoothly and like clockwork while acknowledging and thanking valued event sponsors Dong-A and Globe Telecom.

The 70 scholars who are eligible to university-supported financial and miscellaneous perks are…

1          Acedo             John Paul B.                            Dean's Scholar
2          Aguilar            Loren Q.                                  Dean's Scholar
3          Agustin           Jairomel M.                             Dean's Scholar
4          Almazan          Carlo T.                                   Dean's Scholar
5          Aquino            Rosalyn S.                               Presidential Scholar
6          Arbol               Ken B.                                     Dean's Scholar
7          Arevalo           Axel M.                                   Dean's Scholar
8          Avecilla           Honeyleth M.                          Presidential Scholar
9          Baruzo             Nicklaus P.                              Dean's Scholar
10        Baylon             Heart R.                                  Dean's / Board of Trustees Scholar
11        Benedicto        Glen D.                                   Dean's Scholar
12        Besin               Melvin T.                                 Presidential/Board of Trustees Scholar
13        Bruza               Jerwin S.                                 Presidential/Dean's Scholar
14        Bruzola            Rosiel B.                                 Dean's Scholar
15        Carpio             Edwin Rey                              Presidential Scholar
16        Ceniza             Dexter F                                  Presidential Scholar
17        Cerezo             Vhe Jhan M.                            Dean's Scholar
18        Chavez                        Ginza A.                                  Dean's Scholar
19        Cobrado          Carlo A.                                  Dean's Scholar
20        Consigna         Richard Kevin G.                    Dean's Scholar
21        Cruz                Haerly Kim V                         Dean's Scholar
22        Cu,                  Jefferson Jared Matthew T.    Dean's Scholar
23        Deglison          Rolie D. Jr.                              Dean's / Presidential Scholar
24        De Guzman     Ian Marlon A.                         Dean's Scholar
25        Dejaro             Ronald F.                                Board of Trustees Scholar
26        Dela Cruz        Joseph Nino A.                       Dean's Scholar
27        Dela Cruz        Kennethlee N.                         Board of Trustees Scholar
28        De Leon          Marivie I.                                Dean's Scholar
29        De San Jose     Early Joy R.                            Presidential/Dean's Scholar
30        Dimaandal       John Kevin M.                                    Presidential Scholar
31        Elomina           Eric John B.                            Dean's Scholar
32        Esguerra          Gabriel Antonio N.                 Dean's Scholar
33        Espinosa          Earl Christian H.                     Dean's Scholar
34        Frilles              Khrissia                                   Presidential/Dean's Scholar
35        Geronimo        Ma. Janine V.                          Dean’s Scholar
36        Go                   John Rey S.                             Presidential Scholar
37        Gonzales         Adrian B.                                Presidential Scholar
38        Ibarra               John Vincent R                       Presidential Scholar
39        Jacinto             Sha-sha T.                               Dean's Scholar
40        Lagrada           Jesus I. Jr.,                               Dean's Scholar
41        Lazo                Frankie R.                               Dean's Scholar
42        Licot                Mykee Joyce S.                       Dean's Scholar
43        Lopez              Randolph D.                           Presidential Scholar
44        Macatantan     April John D.                          Dean's Scholar
45        Mamaril           Roger Jr. A.                             Presidential /Board of Trustees Scholar
46        Manzano         Nathaniel B.                            Board of Trustees Scholar
47        Masilungan      Roselyn C.                              Presidential Scholar
48        Mediodia         Beverly M.                              Dean's Scholar
49        Merete             Rick Allan P.                           Dean's Scholar
50        Millare             Michael G.                              Dean's/Board of Trustees Scholar
51        Montaril          Bea Louis V                            Presidential/Dean's Scholar
52        Montaril          Claudine V.                             Dean's Scholar
53        Nacario            Jofe Ann I.                              Dean's Scholar
54        Notarte                        Ma. Ludivina                          Dean's /Presidential Scholar
55        Obispado         Flor Jean C.                             Presidential/Dean's Scholar
56        Olosan             Streter G                                 Dean's Scholar
57        Orallo              Queen Mae T.                        Dean's Scholar
58        Palisoc             Brent Louis C.                                    Dean's Scholar
59        Pellosis            Kennerth Karl D.                    Presidential Scholar
60        Raco                Psalm July Cyd R.                  Dean's Scholar
61        Ramos             Ma. Jezreelina                         Dean's Scholar
62        Romano           Halourd Mae D.                      Dean's/Board of Trustees
63        Salcedo           John Paul S.                            Dean's Scholar
64        Soriano            Cariza Jane M.                        Dean's Scholar
65        Soriano            Dexter S.                                 Dean's Scholar
66        Tablante          Aerian Mari G.                        Dean's Scholar
67        Tan                  Andrew D.                              Dean's Scholar
68        Taylo       Jan Michael Vincent B.                   Dean's Scholar
69        Torayno           Isidro Kieran J.                       Dean's Scholar
70        Vergara           Fitz Gerald B.                         Presidential Scholar

For their athletic contributions and for giving their all for the love of sports,
Women's Volleyball Division A.Y. 2013-2014
CAYANAN, Jewel Mariel M. - Best Blocker
DIONISIO, Rona Mae B. - Best Server
SALAMAT, Shiela Marie O. - Best Attacker

Men's Volleyball Division A.Y. 2013-2014

MEN'S Basketball Division A.Y. 2013-2014


Congratulations Team Sitenta and salamat sa inyo, FEATI Seahawks! (AMD)


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