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Graduating Students’ Preparation Program (GradSPreP) Presents Latest Series: Marketing Me!

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Global? Definitely!

The world is their oyster…at least that’s how students feel when they graduate. Pearls, precious pearls in the form of choice jobs just waiting to be cracked open and harvested but…the reality is that those who are after oysters are legion. In fact in his message, Dr. Leopoldo V. Abis, FEATIU EVP for Academic Affairs stressed the job situation as having a “big number of job seekers, relatively few job openings, and the issue of low wages.” The good news is that for those with college degrees, the picture Dr. Abis described “may look slightly more optimistic in favor of the jobseeker”. Under this situation, employers are inclined to offer salaries commensurate to the education and training, among others, of recruits-to-be. In other words the employer, as a ‘buyer,’ will be willing to pay the price being sought by the graduate, as ‘seller.’ As in any buy-and-sell enterprise the ‘seller’ will be burdened with presenting a highly valued ‘product.’ This is where GradSPreP becomes indispensable. Exclusive to FEATI University, the Graduation Students’ Preparation Program (yes, GradSPreP for emphasis) on its 10th year was designed to help graduating students advertise themselves in a way that places them top-of-mind to employers and lands them a job that can progress to a professional career. This program more than gets graduating students through the door, the end goal is for employers to say ‘You are Hired!’ At GradSPreP, students are immersed in career talks, seminars, workshops, diagnostic exams, practice interviews, résumé preparation, job fairs, and digital applications.

The 10th GradSPreP happened just a few days ago with the latest in the series called ‘Marketing Me!’ Special Guest Speaker for this latest presentation was Ms. Mary Ann de la Cruz, Customer Service and Quality Assurance Manager of, also an enduring FEATI University industry partner.

This year’s GradSPreP is also the last year of service for GradSPreP Director, Engr. Jorge P. Bautista. He turns over a vibrant and thriving GradSPreP program to new Director, Engr. Enrique A. Macaspac. In his maiden message, the program’s new Director shared, “We are now on the 10th year of GradSPreP for our graduating students! This AY 2015-2016, the program will also be implemented to ensure that our graduates are better armed when they face their prospective employers and get selected for the jobs they applied to. In addition to the knowledge, skills and values obtained here in FEATI University, GradSPreP will equip them with the advantage of readiness and confidence in landing a job… Make your (students) participation in the activities of GradSPreP an added, fulfilling learning for your benefit and an unforgettable part of your Greater FEATI Experience.”

Special thanks to Ms. Mercedes Duterte, the FEATIU Chorale, SASO and the GradSPreP Committee for another successful go at GradSPrep 2015! (AMD)