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SMART Wireless Seminar Hosted by FEATI EE & ECE Departments

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SMART Communications Inc. held the second round of their seminar workshop series last August 24, 25 and 27 at the newly constructed SMART Wireless Laboratory located at the ECE Department. The series of seminars was a result of the agreement reached between the telecommunication giant SMART Communications Inc. and FEATI University last May 2009.  SMART and FEATI have been partners in the SMART

SWEEP since 2004. The FEATI University EE & ECE Departments hosted the 3-day long seminar which was attended by IT-EDP staff and faculty members of the IT Department as well as the host Departments. Conducted by facilitators from SMART Communications, the seminar was aimed at teaching wireless internet technology, from the basics to applications.

The first two days of the seminar workshop focused mostly on the principles of wireless technology. On the third day, participants were asked to apply what they learned by setting-up their own Internet hot-spot. This successful endeavor was capped off with a modest awarding ceremony headed by the Engr. Jorge P. Bautista and Engr. Jovy L. Factor, Chairpersons, of the EE & ECE Departments, and IT Department, respectively. (JPB)