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Acquaintance Party: The Final Bow of FUSSC 2008-09

The sounds of merriment and revelry reverberated on the 5th floor Building 2 of FEATI University on the night of August 14, 2009. This Acquaintance Party was the farewell project of FEATI University Supreme Student Council (FUSSC) 2008-2009 as it gave way to the newly elected FUSSC officers of SY 2009-2010. Aside from establishing camaraderie among the students of the various colleges and departments the event also served to welcome the new FEATInians. The induction of the new FUSSC officers started this memorable night. The programme began with a prayer led by Ms. Nieves Dalida, incoming Secretary, followed by the FEATI University Creed led by Ms. Evita Echague, the outgoing Vice President. Our dear Dean of Student of Affairs, Sr. Nicetas Favorito welcomed everyone to the event and gave due recognition to the Outgoing FUSSC Officers. University President, Dr.-Ing. Adolfo Jesus R. Gopez administered the Oath of Office to the FUSSC Officers and Faculty Advisers. What came next was the turnover of office from the Outgoing FUSSC President, Liezel D. Evangelista, who presented a symbolic key to the new FUSSC President, William George Ojascastro. Mr. Ojascastro thanked his supporters during the election and gave his inaugural address, highlighting that he proposed to work for a unified FEATI studentry. Master of Ceremonies, Mr. Celso V. Dorado of the Admissions Office saw to it that the programme moved along at a brisk pace.

“Are you the next big star?” finalist Peter John Gonzales, himself a proud FEATInian performed and overwhelmed everyone with his song. The event would not have been complete without intermission numbers from our University Talents. The Campus Ministry band showcased their talent with a song number. Not to be outdone, The Loved Flock Group serenaded the party goers. The rest of the night was spent in jamming with the ‘Pillowcase’ band. The night did not seem long enough for the FEATInians who enjoyed the party, but sooner or later, it had to end. “Let’s all hope that with the newly installed FEATI University Supreme Student Council, there’ll soon be more events like this where FEATInians will converge as one.” (MEIE)

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