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FEATI University celebrates National Architecture Week

The FEATI University College of Architecture (COA) celebrated National Architecture Week on December 8 – 11. This yearly event, which started in December 1971 by virtue of a Presidential Proclamation, had as its theme, “Arkitekturang Lokal: Yamang Pamana ng Bayan.”

Keeping this theme in mind, the College exhibited design plates, 3D models, ethnic houses, and concepts and forms illustrating the use of space. The highlight of the exhibit was “Utopian Manila”, a continuing idealized architectural design of the metropolis’ landscape. The Model and Concept of “Utopian Manila” continues to grow as past and present architecture students of the College contribute to the evolving design, with a new design phase being added with each succeeding year.

Apart from the exhibit, the COA also held a lecture forum with guest speakers Arch. Alfredo Fernandez and Arch. Rosario Encarnacion Tan. Arch. Fernandez, who has just taken the BAR exams, lectured on the Architect Act or RA 9266 and its effect on the practice of the profession. Arch. Tan spoke on the application of sustainable design in vernacular architecture. Students from the Technological Institute of the Philippines (TIP) were also among the participants of the forum.

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