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FEATI Information Technology Students Go Hands-On at PBSP Preventive Maintenance

FEATI University Information Technology Department was invited by Ms. Melba P. Raymundo, Manager, General Services Unit, Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP) to take part in their MIS preventive maintenance involving 100 computers installed on Dec. 21, 22, 23, 28, and 29, 2009.

PBSP is the largest corporate-led, non-profit social development foundation in the Philippines. It is at the forefront in the fight against poverty through trailblazing corporate citizenship programs developed and implemented with the strategic partnership and commitment of more than 240 PBSP member-companies.

FEATI IT Department Head, Ms. Jovy Lopez-Factor sent four (4) graduating students in the class of Mr. Norman Guiao to PBSP. The students were Rogelio Areola (BSIT), Noriel De Guzman (BSCS), Al Sabiaga (BSIT), and Gian Carlo Sugui (BSCS).

This assignment gave the students insights in the actual operation of an MIS unit, as well as an exposure to the equipment and devices being used in a corporate environment. Likewise, through the demonstration of the workings of the various theories learned in the classroom, the students acquired a deeper understanding of various applications.

As the students put it, “It is amazing what we can accomplish when we all work together. This hands-on experience helped us apply our knowledge on how to scan virus, delete temp files, uninstall unlicensed applications and games, delete mp3 files, check the network ports and cables, perform preventive maintenance of PBSP-servers, check and backup the servers’ database. Not only was learning a lot of fun it made us feel more capable and confident.” (JLF)