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Student Organizations’ Day

The Office of Student Affairs and the Guidance Office launched the first Student Organizations Day on July 31 to August 1, 2009. Students, especially the freshmen, were given the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the different University organizations that they may choose from and affiliate themselves with.

Departmental organizations had the chance to showcase talent, skills and creativity through interactive displays and demos in their designated exhibit areas.

The FEATI Computer Society staged a DoTA contest, which became an instant blockbuster, along with displays highlighting what a challenging career IT would be. Aero-AMT’s Aviation Society for Research and Development (ASRAD) rose to the challenge by bringing laptops and projectors to show today’s advanced aircraft, which will soon be maintained, tested and improved by today’s Aero and AMT students. They also presented projects made by students, such as wooden aircraft models, a NACA wing rib, water rockets. Mass Communications Department’s Dramatic Guild simulated a mini-theater in their booth and caught the attention of quite a number of students.

The Campus Talents used a different approach as they wowed students with video clips of awesome dance moves and striking steps with their own TV set and DVD player. In striking contrast the Campus Ministry booth was a haven of solemnity and serenity in the midst of the jam-packed 4th floor Corporate Lobby. The Loved Flock, another religious organization, had a simple yet interesting exhibit, which proved irresistible to the students.

As for the FEATINIAN, the official publication of the FEATI University student body, the Editorial Board pasted newspapers cut in the shape of footprints on the floor to guide students towards its booth where it raffled away copies of Kodigo, FEATI’s Literature Folio.

The FEATI University Supreme Student Council (FUSSC) focused on the students’ leadership potentials in their booth.

Aside from the booths, the 2-day event also featured on speakers and panel members from different organizations who inspired the audience with the notable achievements of their respective organizations and encouraged students to join them.

As a culminating activity, awards were given to organizations which were adjudged as having the Most Interactive, Most Creative Booth Design and Most Visited Booth. Credits were also given to organizations on their Attendance during meetings prior to the event as well as the eagerness & enthusiasm they manifested in setting up their respective exhibits. Raffle prizes were also given away to lucky students courtesy of Globe Telecoms through the effort of FEATI Events & Promotions Group.

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